PARIS — Freshly cooked bread, select cheeses and a broad veggie offer will be among the meals to be offered to athletes and visitors during the 2024 Paris Olympics — including,…
Statistics, prayer, personal stories: How Protestants helped bring Ukraine aid to US House floor
Washington — On Saturday, March 2, at 2:20 a.m., Serhii Gadarzhi woke up to a drone approaching his apartment building in Odesa, Ukraine. He heard an explosion just outside his windows…
Georgian PM rejects US, EU criticism of draft ‘foreign agents’ bill
tbilisi, georgia — Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze on Friday rejected criticism from the United States and European Union of a draft “foreign agents” bill, saying opponents of it were unwilling…
Bloomberg: США обговорюють із G7 надання Україні допомоги за рахунок прибутків від активів Росії
Йдеться про пропозицію надати Україні пакет на 50 мільярдів доларів за рахунок прибутків від суверенних активів РФ, заморожених переважно в Європі …
Посол США розповіла про цілі пакету допомоги від Вашингтона на 61 мільярд доларів
Окрім військового аспекту, за словами Брінк, збереження української економіки також вкрай важливе …
USAID анонсувало пакет допомоги аграрному сектору України на 60 мільйонів доларів
«Програма має на меті допомогти українським аграріям підвищити ефективність виробництва, зробити його стійкішим і більш конкурентоспроможним під час війни» …
Валютна лібералізація: Нацбанк зняв обмеження для бізнесу на імпорт робіт і послуг
Метою змін НБУ називає «поліпшення умов ведення бізнес-діяльності в Україні та виходу вітчизняного бізнесу на нові ринки» …
Ukrainian priests serve church, support state
As Orthodox Christians in Ukraine prepare to celebrate Easter on May 5th, Orthodox priests in Ukraine are finding themselves trying to serve their church and support their state, even when…
Russian shelling kills 2 in Ukraine’s eastern Donetsk region
Kyiv, Ukraine — Two people were killed on Friday in a Russian attack on the city of Kurakhove, located in the eastern Donetsk region, which is bearing the brunt of the…
In Ukraine, damaged church rises as a symbol of faith, culture
LYPIVKA, Ukraine — This Orthodox Easter season, an extraordinary new church is bringing spiritual comfort to war-weary residents of the Ukrainian village of Lypivka. Two years ago, it also provided physical…
«Райффайзен» улітку 2024 року розпочне процедуру виходу з ринку РФ
До 2026 року «Райффайзен» має скоротити видачу кредитів клієнтам на 65% порівняно з третім кварталом 2023 року, таке ж скорочення має відбутися і в сегменті міжнародних платежів …
In Europe, exiled Russian journalists offer alternative to state news
Moscow has cracked down on Russian media outlets that offer independent reporting on the war in Ukraine, prompting hundreds of journalists to flee. While in exile, these media workers have…
Ukraine unveils AI-generated foreign ministry spokesperson
Kyiv, Ukraine — Ukraine has an AI-generated spokesperson called Victoria who will make official statements on behalf of its foreign ministry. The ministry said on Wednesday that it would “for the…
Bloomberg: росіяни, які повернулися з еміграції, забезпечили до третини росту ВВП Росії
Bloomberg пише, до РФ що повернулося близько половини тих, хто виїхав після повномасштабного вторгнення до України та оголошення мобілізації …
Dozens arrested after London protest blocking removal of asylum seekers
LONDON — British police arrested 45 people on Thursday after a violent protest in London against the transfer of asylum seekers form a hotel to a barge off southern England. Dozens…
Lawmakers in Serbia elect new government with pro-Russia ministers sanctioned by US
BELGRADE, Serbia — Serbian lawmakers on Thursday voted into office a new government that reinstated two pro-Russia officials who are sanctioned by the United States, reflecting persistent close ties with Moscow…
Is social media access a human right? Norway’s Supreme Court to decide
STAVANGER, Norway — A convicted sex offender is asking the Norwegian Supreme Court to declare social media access is a human right. The case before the court Thursday involves a man…
International aid flotilla searches for new flags to sail from Turkey to Gaza
Istanbul, Turkey & Washington — Activists from an international flotilla carrying humanitarian aid are applying for new maritime flags to sail to Gaza from Turkey after the flags of two of…
Drone footage shows how Russian airstrikes devastated Ukrainian city
KYIV, Ukraine — Months of relentless Russian artillery pounding have devastated a strategic city in eastern Ukraine, new drone footage obtained by The Associated Press shows, with barely a building left…
Cellist honors Japanese diplomat who helped Jews escape Holocaust
A Japanese diplomat’s act of defiance during World War II saved thousands of lives. It’s also the focus of an ongoing effort by an American musician to pay tribute to…
Russia displays Western equipment captured from Ukrainian army
moscow — An exhibition of Western military equipment captured from Kyiv forces during the fighting in Ukraine opened Wednesday in the Russian capital. The exhibit, organized by the Russian Defense Ministry,…
Explosives clearance enables aid to reach victims of war in Gaza
GENEVA — More than 800 mine action leaders attending a U.N.-sponsored conference in Geneva this week are warning of the ongoing dangers from unexploded ordnance and landmines in countries affected by…
Poll: Western Balkan countries show pro-West trends, but support for EU shrinking
WASHINGTON — The western Balkan countries are starkly split between the West and Russia, with the once-strong support for European Union accession now shrinking, according to a recent poll by the…
Мінекономіки: у квітні Україна досягла рекордного обсягу експорту з лютого 2022 року
Експорт у квітні сягнув 3,3 млрд доларів …
Workers, activists across Asia and Europe hold May Day rallies to call for greater labor rights
SEOUL, South Korea — Workers, activists and others in Asian capitals and European cities took to the streets on Wednesday to mark May Day with protests over rising prices and government…
Wars in Israel, Ukraine trigger painful memories for Holocaust survivors in US
The Center on Holocaust Survivor Care and Institute on Aging and Trauma helps older adults with a history of trauma cope with depression and anxiety resulting from their horrific experiences….